Boss Pre-Quests
As you level up, you will reach the required level to more and more bosses. To instantly move to bosses for free after completing their pre-quests, you can access the "Boss Contents" UI. You can find it by assigning the "Boss Party" Key Slot to your Keyboard Shortcuts
Note: Bosses with multiple difficulties with only one "Can clear" tag listed below means that clears are shared between all difficulties. If you see multiple "Can clear"s for a boss that means the clears are independent for each difficulty
Quick Jumps
- Balrog
- Zakum
- Ursus
- Magnus
- Hilla
- Papulatus
- Root Abyss
- Von Leon
- Horntail
- Arkarium
- Pink Bean
- Cygnus
- Lotus
- Damien
- Guardian Angel Slime
- Lucid
- Gollux
- Gloom
- Verus Hilla
- Darknell
- Black Mage
- Seren
- Kalos
- Kaling
- Ranmaru
- Princess No
- Will
- Akechi Mitsuhide
- Yakuza Boss
- Gigatoad
[Easy Lv. 65+]
- Can clear: Unlimited times daily
No pre-quests
- Main Rewards:
[Lv. 58 Bain Weapon],
[Soul Shard],
[Balrog-Horn Throne]
[Easy Lv. 50+] [Normal/Chaos Lv. 90+]
- Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
- Can clear Chaos: Weekly
No pre-quests but, initially there is a Lightbulb Quest called "[Zakum] Statue of Dread" at Lv. 50 that will teleport you to El Nath - Chief's Residence where you talk to an NPC corresponding to your job (Mage, Archer, Thief, etc.) to teleport to Dead Mines - The Door to Zakum
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Zakum Helmet],
[Mystical Cube],
[Soul Shard],
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Poisonic Weapons],
[Condensed Power Crystal],
[Aquatic Letter Eye],
[Lv. 110 Rebirth Flame]
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Chaos Zakum Helmet],
[Enraged Zakum Helmet],
[Enraged Zakum Cape],
[Enraged Zakum Belt],
[Zakum Hand Table]
[Normal Lv. 100+]
- Can clear: 3 times daily
- Main Rewards:
You must complete the Lightbulb Quest called “[Ursus] Rumors of The Mighty” at Lv. 100 that is required to enter Ursus. The quest is short and explains what Ursus is
To enter Ursus, you are required daily to defeat 300 enemies near your level
[Easy Lv. 115+][Normal Lv. 155+][Hard Lv.175+]
- Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
- Can clear Hard: Weekly
You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest labelled with "[Heliseum]" at Lv. 100
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Superior Belt],
[Superior Cape],
[Crystal Ventus Badge],
[Royal Black Metal Shoulder],
[Lv. 110 Rebirth Flame],
[Mystical Cube],
[Soul Shard],
[Shadowdealer Coin],
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Superior Nova Cape],
[Power Elixir]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Superior Tyrant Cape],
[Superior Nova Boots],
[Cursed Kaiserium],
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Magnus Coin] ,
[Magnus Horn Throne]
[Normal Lv. 85+] [Hard Lv. 170+]
- Can clear Normal: Daily
- Can clear Hard: Weekly
No pre-quests
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Stone of Eternal Life],
[Lv. 120 Necromancer Gear],
[Elixir] ,
[Rebirth Flame] ,
[Pet Box],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Will O' the Wisps],
[Hilla Obelisk Floor Lamp]
[Normal Lv. 180+]
- Can clear: Daily
You must complete the Omega Sector Theme Dungeon to gain access to OMNI-CLN. To start the Theme Dungeon, accept the Lightbulb Quest called “[Omega Sector] Dr. Kim’s Call” at Lv. 165
- Main Rewards:
[Lv. 110 Rebirth Flame],
[OMNI-CLN Component],
[OMNI-CLN Vacuum],
[Mystical Cube],
[Intense Power Crystal]
[Easy Lv. 115+] [Normal Lv. 155+] [Chaos Lv. 190+]
- Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
- Can clear Hard: Weekly
You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Papulatus] The Light of Chaos” at Lv. 115
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Elixir] ,
[Lv. 110 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Power Elixir] ,
[Papulatus Clock Chair]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Papulatus Mark],
[Papulatus Wall Clock]

Root Abyss
[Normal Lv. 125+] [Chaos Lv. 180+]
- Can clear Normal: Daily
- Can clear Chaos: Weekly
You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Root Abyss] An Urgent Summons” at Lv. 125
- Normal mode and Above Rewards:
[Root Abyss Hat],
[Rebirth Flame],
[Soul Shard],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal],
[Yggdrasil Rune],
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Chaos Hat],
[Power Elixir],
[Chaos Root Abyss Gear Fragment],
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame],
[Chaos Yggdrasil Rune] ,
Von Leon
[Easy/Normal/Hard Lv. 125+]
- Can clear: Daily
You must complete the Lion King's Castle Main Quest starting from the Lightbulb Quest called "[Lion King's Castle] Among the Tundra" at Lv. 120
- Easy/Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Lv. 120 Rebirth Flame],
[Soul Shard],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Von Leon Gear Currency] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Hard Mode and Above Rewards:
[Lv. 130 Von Leon Gear],
[Ifia Accessories],
[Lion Ice Sculpture]
[Easy/Normal Lv. 130+] [Chaos Lv. 135+]
- Can clear: Daily
No pre-quests
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Silver Blossom Ring],
[Dea Sidus Earrings],
[Horntail Necklace],
[Lv. 120 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Wealth Aquisition Potion Recipe]
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Chaos Horntail Necklace],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Horntail Fountain]
[Easy/Normal Lv. 140+]
- Can clear: Daily
You must complete a questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Silent Crusade] A Cry for Help” at Lv. 140 to unlock access to Arkarium
- Easy mode and Above Rewards:
[Mechanator Pendant],
[Elixir] ,
[Lv. 130 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Primal Essence],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal],
[Spell Trace]
- Normal mode Only Rewards:
[Dominator Pendant],
[Arkarium Statue],
[Power Elixir]
Pink Bean
[Normal Lv. 140+] [Chaos Lv. 170+]
- Can clear Normal: Daily
- Can clear Chaos: Weekly
You must complete the main Temple of Time questline to unlock access to Pink Bean. You can start the questline by accepting the quest “Path to the Past" from the Temple Keeper
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Black Bean Mark],
[Golden Clover Belt],
[Pink Holy Cup],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 120 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Chaos Pink Bean Set],
[Black Bean Set],
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Pink Bean Armchair]
[Easy/Normal Lv. 165+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Knight Stronghold questline starting at “[Knight Stronghold] Scouting the Stronghold” at Lv. 165 from Chief Alex at Henesys Ruins
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 140 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Empress Gear Fragment] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
- Normal Mode Only Rewards:
[Empress Shoulder],
[Shield Recipes] ,
[Plush Cygnus Shelf]
[Normal/Hard/Extreme Lv. 190+]
- Can clear: Weekly
No pre-quests
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Extraordinary Energy Core (Grade S)] ,
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[AbsoLab Armor/Weapon Box],
[Damaged Black Heart],
[Lotusroid Android],
[Beserked Face Accessory],
[Orchid's Plush Bunny],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
- Extreme Mode Only Rewards:
[Total Control - Android Heart]
[Normal/Hard Lv. 190+]
- Can clear: Weekly
No pre-quest
- Normal Mode Rewards: ,
[(Demon-Class Exclusive) Ruin Force Shield],
[Twisted Stigma Spirit Stone] ,
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube],
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Damienroid Android],
[Magic Eyepatch],
[AbsoLab Armor/Weapon Box],
[Damien's Sword],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
Guardian Angel Slime
[Normal/Chaos Lv. 210+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the quest "[Ramuramu] Psych Exam" that consists of only a series of dialogue
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Guardian Angel Ring],
[Power Elixir],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Rebirth Flame Lv. 150],
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Intense Power Crystal],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Guardian Angel Slime Fountain],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Primal Essence],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Easy/Normal/Hard Lv. 220+ & 360ArcP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Lachelein storyline and defeat Story Mode Lucid in order to unlock access to Lucid
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal], ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Butterfly Droplet Stone],
[Twilight Mark]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Dreamy Belt],
[Arcane Umbra Armor/Weapon Box],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Lucid's Canopy Bed],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Easy/Normal/Hard/Hell Lv. 180]
- Can clear: Daily
You can enter the Gollux area without any pre-quests. Enter through the Dimensional Mirror. To gain access to Gollux, you must complete the quest “[Gollux] The Cracks of Corruption”. The quest consists of only dialogue
- Main Rewards:
[Gollux Penny/Coins] ,
[Gollux Accessories],
[(Hell Mode Only) Gollux Wood Bench],
[Mystical Cube]
[Normal/Chaos Lv. 245+ & 730ArcP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Moonbridge storyline and defeat Story Mode Gloom in order to unlock access to Gloom
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Estella Earrings],
[Spark of Determination],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
- Chaos Mode Only Rewards:
[Endless Terror],
[Gloom Dark Bean Bag],
[Primal Essence],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
Verus Hilla
[Normal/Hard Lv. 250+ & 900ArcP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Labyrinth of Suffering storyline and defeat Story Mode Verus Hilla in order to unlock access to Verus Hilla
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Daybreak Pendant],
[Arcane Umbra Armor/Weapon Box],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Source of Suffering],
[Shadow of Annihilation],
[Soul Candle],
[Primal Essence],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Normal/Hard Lv. 255+ & 850ArcP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Limina storyline and defeat Story Mode Darknell to unlock access to Darknell
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Estella Earrings],
[Spark of Determination] ,
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Commanding Force Earring],
[Arcane Umbra Armor/Weapon Box],
[Darknell's Helmet Decoration],
[Primal Essence],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
Black Mage
[Hard/Extreme Lv. 255+ 1320ArcP+]
- Can clear: Monthly
You must complete the Limina storyline and defeat Story Mode Black Mage to unlock access to Black Mage
- Main Rewards:
[Sealed Genesis Weapon Box],
[Genesis Badge],
[Arcane Umbra Armor/Weapon Box],
[Black Mage's Mirror],
[Primal Essence],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Normal/Hard/Extreme Lv. 260+ 150SacP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Burning Cernium storyline to unlock access to Seren
- Main Rewards:
[Mitra's Rage Selection Box],
[Mitra's Nodestone],
[Daybreak Pendant],
[Holy Sword Wall Decoration],
[Primal Essence],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Easy/Normal/Chaos/Extreme Lv. 265+ 200SacP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the [Karote] Kalos the Guardian questline and defeat Story Mode Kalos to unlock access to Kalos
- Main Rewards:
[Kalos's Residual Determination],
[Kalos Ceiling Fan],
[Primal Essence],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Easy/Normal/Chaos/Extreme Lv. 275+ 230SacP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Shangri-La questline to unlock access to Kaling
- Main Rewards:
[Ferocious Beast Entanglement Ring],
[Primal Essence],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Soul Shard] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube] ,
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Premium Scroll - Pet Equipment Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Magical Scroll - Weapon Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
[Normal/Hard Lv. 120+/Lv.180+]
- Can clear: Daily
You must complete the quest "[Ranmaru] Call of Princess Sakuno: Stop Mori Ranmaru!" that consists of only a series of dialogue
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Lv. 120 Gear] ,
[Elixir] ,
[Lv. 120 Rebirth Flame],
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[(Heroic World Only) Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[(Heroic World Only) Eternal Rebirth Flame]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards: ,
[Japanese Armor],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 130 Rebirth Flame]
Princess No
[Normal Lv. 140+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Hieizan storyline to gain access to Princess No. To start, accept the Lightbulb Quest called “[Princess No] Regards, Takeda Shingen” at Lv. 140
- Main Rewards:
[Secondary Weapon Fragment],
[ Shoulder / Ring / Belt ] ,
[Princess No Chair],
[Princess No Effect Coupon],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 140 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Mystical Cube] ,
[Intense Power Crystal]
[Normal/Hard Lv. 235+ & 760ArcP+]
- Can clear: Weekly
You must complete the Esfera storyline and defeat Story Mode Will in order to unlock access to Will
- Easy Mode and Above Rewards:
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[Power Elixir] ,
[Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame] ,
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Eternal Rebirth Flame],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Intense Power Crystal] ,
[Spell Trace]
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Stone Cobweb Droplet],
[Twilight Mark]
- Hard Mode Only Rewards:
[Will's Cursed Spellbook Selection Box],
[Arcane Umbra Armor/Weapon Box],
[Mirror World Nodestone],
[Black Rebirth Flame],
[Will's Web Swing Chair],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Scroll - Accessory Coupon],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Flame],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Forever Unrelenting Black Flame]
Akechi Mitsuhide
[Normal Level 200+]
- Can clear: Weekly
No pre-quest
- Main Rewards:
[Japanese Wolf Weapons],
[Mark of the Silver Wolf],
[Sparkling Blue Star Potion],
[Sparkling Red Star Potion],
[Small EXP Accumulation Potion],
[50% EXP Coupon Voucher],
[Powerful Rebirth Flame],
[Mystical Cube],
[Power Elixir],
[Intense Power Crystal],
[(Interactive Worlds Only) Bonus Mystical Cube]
Yakuza Boss
[Normal Level 160+]
- Can clear: Daily
- Location: Showa Town: Parlor
You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called "[Showa Town] Welcome to Showa Town!". The last quest you need to complete is "Investigating Fire Raccoon Finance"
- Main Rewards:
[Intense Power Crystal],
[Terminus Weapons],
[Damage Skins]
[Normal & Frenzied Level 160+]
- Can clear: 3 times daily
- Location: Accessible from Ninja Castle
No pre-quests
- Normal Mode and Above Rewards:
[Intense Power Crystal],
[Terminus Weapons],
[Elemental Staves],
[(30 Day) Toad Pet Coupon],
[Damage Skin]
- Frenzied Mode Only Rewards:
[Clean Slate Scroll],
[EXP Accumulation Potion Recipe],
[Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe],
[Soul Shard],
[Golden Toad Sculpture]