Boss Pre-Quests

Boss Queue

As you level up, you will reach the required level to more and more bosses. To instantly move to bosses for free after completing their pre-quests, you can access the "Boss Contents" UI. You can find it by assigning the "Boss Party" Key Slot to your Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: Bosses with multiple difficulties with only one "Can clear" tag listed below means that clears are shared between all difficulties. If you see multiple "Can clear"s for a boss that means the clears are independent for each difficulty

Quick Jumps

MapIcon Balog Balrog

[Easy Lv. 65+]

  • Can clear: Unlimited times daily

No pre-quests

MapIcon Zakum Zakum

[Easy Lv. 50+] [Normal/Chaos Lv. 90+]

  • Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Chaos: Weekly

No pre-quests but, initially there is a Lightbulb Quest called "[Zakum] Statue of Dread" at Lv. 50 that will teleport you to El Nath - Chief's Residence where you talk to an NPC corresponding to your job (Mage, Archer, Thief, etc.) to teleport to Dead Mines - The Door to Zakum

Soul Collector Artwork Ursus (1) Ursus

[Normal Lv. 100+]

  • Can clear: 3 times daily
  • Main Rewards: Meso [Mesos]

You must complete the Lightbulb Quest called “[Ursus] Rumors of The Mighty” at Lv. 100 that is required to enter Ursus. The quest is short and explains what Ursus is

To enter Ursus, you are required daily to defeat 300 enemies near your level

MapIcon Magnus Magnus

[Easy Lv. 115+][Normal Lv. 155+][Hard Lv.175+]

  • Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Hard: Weekly

You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest labelled with "[Heliseum]" at Lv. 100

MapIcon Hilla Hilla

[Normal Lv. 85+] [Hard Lv. 170+]

  • Can clear Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Hard: Weekly

No pre-quests

MapIcon Omega Sector OMNI-CLN

[Normal Lv. 180+]

  • Can clear: Daily

You must complete the Omega Sector Theme Dungeon to gain access to OMNI-CLN. To start the Theme Dungeon, accept the Lightbulb Quest called “[Omega Sector] Dr. Kim’s Call” at Lv. 165

MapIcon Papulatus Clock Papulatus

[Easy Lv. 115+] [Normal Lv. 155+] [Chaos Lv. 190+]

  • Can clear Easy/Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Hard: Weekly

You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Papulatus] The Light of Chaos” at Lv. 115

MapIcon PiereMapIcon BanBanMapIcon BloodyQueenMapIcon Bellum Root Abyss

[Normal Lv. 125+] [Chaos Lv. 180+]

  • Can clear Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Chaos: Weekly

You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Root Abyss] An Urgent Summons” at Lv. 125

  • Normal mode and Above Rewards:
  • Eqp Queen's TiaraEqp Pierre HatEqp Von Bon HelmetEqp Vellum's Helm [Root Abyss Hat], Use Elixir [Elixir], Use Rebirth Flame Lv. 110 [Rebirth Flame], Use Soul Shard [Soul Shard], Use Mystical Cube [Mystical Cube] , Etc Intense Power Crystal Daily [Intense Power Crystal], Etc Yggdrasil Rune [Yggdrasil Rune], Setup Crimson Queen's ThroneSetup Happy Pierre ChairSetup Von Bon's Von ChairSetup Vellum Rock Chair[Chair]
  • Chaos Mode Only Rewards: Eqp Queen's TiaraEqp Pierre HatEqp Von Bon HelmetEqp Vellum's Helm [Chaos Hat], Use Power Elixir [Power Elixir], Use Piece of AnguishUse Piece of MockeryUse Piece of TimeUse Piece of Destruction [Chaos Root Abyss Gear Fragment], Use Rebirth Flame Lv. 150 [Lv. 150 Rebirth Flame], Etc Chaos Yggdrasil Rune [Chaos Yggdrasil Rune] , [Furniture]

MapIcon VanLeon Von Leon

[Easy/Normal/Hard Lv. 125+]

  • Can clear: Daily

You must complete the Lion King's Castle Main Quest starting from the Lightbulb Quest called "[Lion King's Castle] Among the Tundra" at Lv. 120

MapIcon Horntail Horntail

[Easy/Normal Lv. 130+] [Chaos Lv. 135+]

  • Can clear: Daily

No pre-quests

MapIcon Akairum Arkarium

[Easy/Normal Lv. 140+]

  • Can clear: Daily

You must complete a questline from the Lightbulb Quest called “[Silent Crusade] A Cry for Help” at Lv. 140 to unlock access to Arkarium

MapIcon Pink Bean Pink Bean

[Normal Lv. 140+] [Chaos Lv. 170+]

  • Can clear Normal: Daily
  • Can clear Chaos: Weekly

NPC Temple Keeper

You must complete the main Temple of Time questline to unlock access to Pink Bean. You can start the questline by accepting the quest “Path to the Past" from the Temple Keeper

MapIcon Cygnus Cygnus

[Easy/Normal Lv. 165+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

NPC Chief Alex

You must complete the Knight Stronghold questline starting at “[Knight Stronghold] Scouting the Stronghold” at Lv. 165 from Chief Alex at Henesys Ruins

  • Easy Mode and Above Rewards: Use Power Elixir [Power Elixir] , Use Rebirth Flame Lv. 140 [Lv. 140 Rebirth Flame] , Use Soul Shard [Soul Shard] , Use Piece of RuinUse Piece of Darkness [Empress Gear Fragment] , Use Mystical Cube [Mystical Cube] , Etc Intense Power Crystal Daily [Intense Power Crystal]
  • Normal Mode Only Rewards: Eqp Lionheart Battle Shoulder [Empress Shoulder], Eqp Deimos Sage ShieldEqp Deimos Shadow ShieldEqp Deimos Warrior Shield [Shield Recipes] , [Plush Cygnus Shelf]

MapIcon Haven Lotus

[Normal/Hard/Extreme Lv. 190+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

No pre-quests

MapIcon fallenWorldTree Damien

[Normal/Hard Lv. 190+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

No pre-quest

MapIcon Ramuramu Guardian Angel Slime

[Normal/Chaos Lv. 210+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the quest "[Ramuramu] Psych Exam" that consists of only a series of dialogue

MapIcon Lachelein Lucid

[Easy/Normal/Hard Lv. 220+ & 360ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Lachelein storyline and defeat Story Mode Lucid in order to unlock access to Lucid

MapIcon Gollux Gollux

[Easy/Normal/Hard/Hell Lv. 180]

  • Can clear: Daily

You can enter the Gollux area without any pre-quests. Enter through the Dimensional Mirror. To gain access to Gollux, you must complete the quest “[Gollux] The Cracks of Corruption”. The quest consists of only dialogue

MapIcon Moonbridge Gloom

[Normal/Chaos Lv. 245+ & 730ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Moonbridge storyline and defeat Story Mode Gloom in order to unlock access to Gloom

MapIcon Labyrinth of Suffering Verus Hilla

[Normal/Hard Lv. 250+ & 900ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Labyrinth of Suffering storyline and defeat Story Mode Verus Hilla in order to unlock access to Verus Hilla

MapIcon Limina Darknell

[Normal/Hard Lv. 255+ & 850ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Limina storyline and defeat Story Mode Darknell to unlock access to Darknell

MapIcon Limina Black Mage

[Hard/Extreme Lv. 255+ 1320ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Monthly

You must complete the Limina storyline and defeat Story Mode Black Mage to unlock access to Black Mage

MapIcon Cernium Seren

[Normal/Hard/Extreme Lv. 260+ 150SacP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Burning Cernium storyline to unlock access to Seren

MapIcon Kalos Kalos

[Easy/Normal/Chaos/Extreme Lv. 265+ 200SacP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the [Karote] Kalos the Guardian questline and defeat Story Mode Kalos to unlock access to Kalos

MapIcon Shang-ri La Kaling

[Easy/Normal/Chaos/Extreme Lv. 275+ 230SacP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Shangri-La questline to unlock access to Kaling

MapIcon Ranmaru Ranmaru

[Normal/Hard Lv. 120+/Lv.180+]

  • Can clear: Daily

You must complete the quest "[Ranmaru] Call of Princess Sakuno: Stop Mori Ranmaru!" that consists of only a series of dialogue

MapIcon Princess No Princess No

[Normal Lv. 140+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Hieizan storyline to gain access to Princess No. To start, accept the Lightbulb Quest called “[Princess No] Regards, Takeda Shingen” at Lv. 140

MapIcon Esfera Will

[Normal/Hard Lv. 235+ & 760ArcP+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

You must complete the Esfera storyline and defeat Story Mode Will in order to unlock access to Will

MapIcon Fort Asura Akechi Mitsuhide

[Normal Level 200+]

  • Can clear: Weekly

No pre-quest

Showa Town Map Icon Yakuza Boss

[Normal Level 160+]

You must complete the questline from the Lightbulb Quest called "[Showa Town] Welcome to Showa Town!". The last quest you need to complete is "Investigating Fire Raccoon Finance"

Mushroom Shrine Icon Gigatoad

[Normal & Frenzied Level 160+]

  • Can clear: 3 times daily
  • Location: Accessible from Ninja Castle

No pre-quests

  • Normal Mode and Above Rewards: Etc Intense Power Crystal Daily[Intense Power Crystal], Eqp Terminus DividerEqp Terminus ExecutionerEqp Terminus Defender[Terminus Weapons], Eqp Elemental Staff 1Eqp Elemental Staff 2[Elemental Staves], Toad Pet Coupon [(30 Day) Toad Pet Coupon], Ninja Castle Damage Skin [Damage Skin]
  • Frenzied Mode Only Rewards: Clean Slate Scroll[Clean Slate Scroll], Exp Accumulation Potion Recipe [EXP Accumulation Potion Recipe], Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe [Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe], Soul Shard [Soul Shard], Golden Toad Sculpture [Golden Toad Sculpture]