Level Content Guide

Quick Jumps

Level 1 - 29

Follow your class' storyline as these will get you to level 30 and 2nd Job. As well, certain class storylines may be required and provide unique rewards

If you are looking for equipment, monsters near your level will drop equipment or you may buy equipment from NPCs in towns. The follow towns on Victoria Island will have the following low-level gear:

Shop NPC

Some notable training maps if you do not want to follow your storyline are:

Level 30 - 49

Maple Content GuideContent Guide Minimized

Upon reaching Lv. 30, the "Maple Guide" is unlocked to provide shortcut access to main quests, instant teleports to training maps, and more. To expand the UI press "U" by default to see available content for all levels

NPC Dimensional MirrorDimensional Mirror UI

In most towns, the "Dimensional Mirror" NPC grants access to a variety of content. When in town, the "Quick Move" button on the top left corner of the screen provides a shortcut to useful NPCs within the town like the Dimensional Mirror

Quick Move
Lightbulb Quest UISidebar Icons

Common quests can be accessed through the Lightbulb Icon Lightbulb icon on the left-hand side of the screen. Quests found here are typically Job Advancements, class storylines, Theme Dungeons, and content pre-quests. As well, most areas can be returned to via the Dimensional Mirror or Maple Guide

Filtering the quests by clicking the "My Level Range" button on the bottom right is recommended. As well, the list of quests is quite long but, not all quests are required to be completed. The necessary ones will have a [Required] tag in red beside the quest

Content Available:


[Content here may unlock content or provide meaningful rewards]


  • MapIcon profession [Lv. 35] Professions / Crafting: Professions are located in Ardentmill that is accessible from town and "Quick Move". To start, accept the quest "The Professional in the Lightbulb icon"
    • In Ardentmill you can unlock all Harvesting Professions: Mining and Herbalism and Crafting Professions: Alchemy, Smithing or Accessory Crafting
    • Pressing "B" by default will open the Professions UI where you can view info on your Professions and remaining monsters before special flowers and veins can be harvested. As well, Traits that provide small stat bonuses can be viewed.
    • An in-depth guide to Professions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hfJoCd2utc

Anne's Plea

4 Theme Dungeons storylines are unlocked at Lv. 30 that can be started through Lightbulb icon. Theme Dungeon storylines provide great EXP and have useful rewards like gear and mesos. The Theme Dungeons below have enemies that scale to your level from Lv. 30 to 59. The monsters are also instanced meaning that the monsters you hunt are different from other players

Some notable training maps are:

Level 50

Content Available:


Inner Ability UI
  • [Lv. 50] [Important] Inner Ability: Rerollable stats that are automatically unlocked at Lv. 50. They function similar to potentials with different tiers (Rare, Epic, Unique, Legendary) and can be rerolled using Use Medal of Honor Use Boss Medal of Honor Honor EXP or Use Miracle Circulator Circulators


[Content here may not be useful compared to recommended content]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 60

Congratulations on level 60! Welcome to 3rd job!

Boss Matchmaking UI

Using the "Boss Contents" UI provides a direct teleport to bosses after completing their pre-quests. The "Boss Party" Key can be assigned to a Key Slot through the "Keyboard Shortcuts" UI

Defeating monsters is recommended during these levels as there is no useful content to complete

Content Available:


[Grinding is preferred at these levels as there isn't much to do]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 70

Content Available:


MapIcon Link Skill UI


[Grinding is preferred at these levels as there isn't much to do]

Party Quests

Some notable training maps are:

Level 80

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 90

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 100

Congratulations on level 100 and welcome to 4th Job! You are now halfway to level 200 and 5th job

Content Available:


  • [Training] Star Force Maps: Training maps with stronger enemies that give more EXP but require a certain amount of Star Force Enhancements on your gear to deal damage to enemies
  • MapIcon Heliseum [Lv. 100] [Pre-Quest / Storyline] Heliseum: Completing this storyline unlocks access to the boss MapIcon Magnus Magnus and daily quests for Etc Shadowdealer Coin Shadowdealer Coins that are used to buy gear from Mayala
  • MapIcon MonsterPark [Lv. 105] [Recommended] Monster Park: Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror. Stage-based dungeons that reward a considerable amount of EXP and Etc Monster Park Commemorative Coin [Monster Park Commemorative Coin] for exchanging items
    • Can be completed 1 time per day for free and extra runs will cost Maple Points
      • There is an item that grants extra runs in the Cash Shop available with Reward Points (Interactive Worlds) or Mesos (Heroic Worlds)
    • The Etc Monster Park Commemorative Coin coins can be exchanged for potion buffs Use Extreme Red Potion Use Extreme Green Potion Use Extreme Blue Potion Use Extreme Gold Potion that can be stored in storage which are useful training and bossing
    • Completing Monster Park 77 times for each day of the week will reward a Eqp Seven Day Monster Parker [Medal] that provides +10% Ignore Enemy Defense
  • MapIcon Maple Tour [Lv. 105] [Recommended] Maple Tour: Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror. Maple Tour is similar to Monster Park, but instead reward Mesos and Etc Maple Tour Coin [Maple Tour Coins] that can be exchanged for items
    • Mesos are accumulated and can be retrieved 7 days later for the full amount or retrieved earlier for half the amount
    • Can be completed 2 times per day for free and extra runs will cost Maple Points
  • Mobicon Ursus [Lv. 100] [Recommended] [Boss] Ursus: Accessible from the Dimensional Mirror. Ursus is a party boss that rewards Mesos
  • MapIcon Mu Lung Dojo [Lv. 105] Mu Lung Dojo: Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror. Players fight a series of bosses to compete with other players based on time and floor reached
    • Rewards will be given based on your weekly ranking such as: Eqp Hero's Gloves Hero's Gloves [Glove], Setup One with 300 Years of Inner Power [Title]
    • Based on the floors cleared, points are rewarded that can be exchanged for items
      • Notable items: Use Mu Gong's Honor EXP Guarantee [Honor EXP], Etc Unity Training Center Entrance Charm [Passive EXP Zone Entry Coupon]


Some notable training maps are:

Level 110

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 120

Content Available:


  • MapIcon Root Abyss [Lv. 125] [Boss] Root Abyss: Accessible from the Dimensional Mirror or Boss Contents UI after completing the storyline from the Lightbulb Quests. Root Abyss contains 4 bosses where Normal mode is unlocked at Lv. 125 and Chaos mode is unlocked at Lv. 180
    • Normal mode and Above Rewards: Eqp Queen's Tiara Eqp Pierre Hat Eqp Von Bon Helmet Eqp Vellum's Helm [Root Abyss Hat], Use Elixir [Elixir], Use Rebirth Flame Lv. 110 [Rebirth Flame], Use Soul Shard [Soul Shard], Use Mystical Cube [Mystical Cube], Etc Intense Power Crystal Daily [Intense Power Crystal], Etc Spell Trace [Spell Trace], Etc Yggdrasil Rune [Yggdrasil Rune], Setup Crimson Queen's ThroneSetup Happy Pierre ChairSetup Von Bon's Von Chair Setup Vellum Rock Chair[Chair]
    • Chaos bosses drop Use Piece of Mockery Use Piece of Anguish Use Piece of Destruction Use Piece of Time fragments that are exchanged for Eqp Eagle Eye Warrior Armor Eqp Fafnir Penitent Tears Root Abyss equipment also referred to as CRA (Chaos Root Abyss)
  • MapIcon BlockBuster [Lv. 120] [Blockbuster] Black Heaven: A storyline with multiple Acts
    • Black Heaven is not required to unlock access to the boss Lotus or weekly quests
    • Can be started from the Lightbulb Quest "[Black Heaven] For Maple World" and accessible from the Dimensional Mirror by clicking on MapIcon Ereve Ereve Conference Pavillion
    • Completing each Act rewards Use Boss Medal of Honor [Honor EXP]
    • Act 2 Rewards: Eqp Ace of the Alliance [Medal], Setup Hanging with Neinheart Chair [Chair]
    • Act 4 Rewards: Eqp Android Helmet [Hat]
    • Act 6 Rewards: Eqp Maple World Savior [Medal], Skill Orchid's Support Mount Skill Athena Pierce's Support Mount [Choice of 1 mount (lasts 30 days)]
  • MapIcon Ranmaru [Lv. 120] [Boss] Normal Mori Ranmaru: Accessible from Boss Contents UI or travelling to Dead Mine in El Nath after completing a short dialogue Lightbulb Quest
  • MapIcon VanLeon [Lv. 125] [Boss] Von Leon: Accessible through the Boss Contents UI after completing the MapIcon Lion King's Castle Lion King's Castle Main Quest


Some notable training maps are:

Level 130

Content Available:



  • MapIcon Golden Temple [Lv. 130] [Theme Dungeon] Golden Temple: Accessible from the Dimensional Mirror and can be started from the Lightbulb Quest
  • MapIcon Crimsonheart Castle [Lv. 130] [Theme Dungeon] Crimsonheart Castle: Accessible from the Dimensional Mirror and can be started from the Lightbulb Quest
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Crimsonheart Savior [Medal]
  • MapIcon Partem [Lv. 135] [Theme Dungeon] Partem Ruins: Can be started through the Lightbulb Quest and accessible from Partem in Henesys
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Blazing Hot Medal [Medal]
  • MapIcon Lord Pirate [Lv. 130] [Party Quest] Lord Pirate: Requires parties of 3 to 6 to enter. There are 4 stages and a boss at the final stage
    • Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror by clicking on Icon Party Quest Party Quest Entry
    • Possible Rewards: Eqp Lord Pirate Hat [Lord Pirate Hat]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 140

Hyper Actives UIHyper Passives UI

Hyper Skills and Hyper Stats are unlocked at Level 140. Hyper Skills have a passive and active category. Active Skills are unlocked at Lv. 140, 160, and 190. Passive Hyper Skills provide enhancements to 1st - 4th Job skills. Passive Hyper Skills SP are gained at Lv. 140, 150, 165, 180 and 190 (total of 5 SP)

Hyper Stats UI

Hyper Stats is a system where Points earned each level can be allocated to gain stats like %Crit Rate, %Crit Damage, %Ignore DEF, or %Boss Damage. As you level up a Hyper Stat, it will cost more Points to upgrade. The amount of Points gained every level increase every 10 levels

For more info on Hyper Stats, check out: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Hyper_Stats

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 150

Content Available:



  • MapIcon Dragon Rider [Lv. 150] [Party Quest] Dragon Rider: Requires 3-6 party members to enter. There are 5 stages and a boss on the final stage
    • Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror by clicking on Icon Party Quest Party Quest Entry
    • Main Rewards: Use Dragon Rider's Warrior Box Use Dragon Rider's Magician Box Use Dragon Rider's Bowman Box Use Dragon Rider's Thief Box Use Dragon Rider's Pirate Box [Lv. 100 - 110 Gear]
  • MapIcon Stone Colossus [Lv. 150] [Theme Dungeon] Stone Colossus: Accessible from Leafre
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Colossal [Medal], Use Kupo's Ride Coupon [Mount], Eqp Halflinger Expedition Badge [Badge]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 160

Content Available:



  • MapIcon Showa Town [Lv. 160] [Storyline] Showa Town: Accessible accepting the Lightbulb Quest called "[Showa Town] Welcome to Showa Town!" or from Mushroom Shrine via the Dimensional Mirror
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Fire Raccoon Finance Auditor [Medal], Setup Antique TV ChairSetup Missive Chair [Chair], Use Glass Marble [Bullet Ammo], Use Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT Use Scroll For Pet Equip. for M. ATT [Pet Equip Scroll], Use Showa Grandma Outfit CouponUse Showa Grandpa Outfit Coupon [Cash Outfit]
  • MapIcon Showa Town [Lv. 160] [Boss] Yakuza Boss: Accessible after completing the storyline in Showa Town up to the quest "Investigating Fire Raccoon Finance"
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Terminus DividerEqp Terminus Executioner Eqp Terminus Defender[Terminus Weapons], Showa Town Damage Skin Fire Racoon Damage Skin [Damage Skins]
  • MapIcon kentaInDanger [Lv. 160] [Party Quest] Kenta in Danger: Requires 2-6 party members to enter. There are 4 stages and boss on the final stage
    • Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror by clicking on Icon Party Quest Party Quest Entry
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Kenta's New Goggles [Kenta's New Goggles]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 170

Content Available:



  • MapIcon Kritias [Lv. 170] [Storyline] Kritias: Accessible from Leafre, completing this storyline unlocks access to Weekly Quests that reward Etc Kritias Commemorative Coin [Kritias Commemorative Coins] used for exchanging items
  • MapIcon Mushroom Shrine [Lv. 160] [Boss] Gigatoad: Located within Ninja Castle. This boss is unlocked once you reach Lv. 160, there are no pre-quests
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Terminus DividerEqp Terminus Executioner Eqp Terminus Defender[Terminus Weapons], Eqp Elemental Staff 1 Eqp Elemental Staff 2[Elemental Staves], Toad Pet Coupon [(30 Day) Toad Pet Coupon], Ninja Castle Damage Skin [Damage Skin], Clean Slate Scroll[Clean Slate Scroll], Exp Accumulation Potion Recipe [EXP Accumulation Potion Recipe], Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe [Wealth Acquisition Potion Recipe], Soul Shard [Soul Shard], Golden Toad Sculpture [Golden Toad Sculpture]
    • Golden Toad Sculpture [Golden Toad Sculpture] is used to exchange items from Princess Yuzume
  • MapIcon Hob King [Lv. 170] [Party Quest] Resurrection of the Hoblin King: Requires 2-6 party members to enter. There are 4 stages and a boss on the final stage
    • Accessible through the Dimensional Mirror by clicking on Icon Party Quest Party Quest Entry
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Rex's Perfect Green Earrings Eqp Rex's Perfect Red Earrings Eqp Rex's Perfect Blue Earrings [Earrings], Skill Rex's Hyena [Mount]

Some notable training maps are:

Level 180

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 190

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 200

5th Job Advancement:

Mandatory Requirements to accept 5th Job Quest:

  • 100 Star Force minimum accumulated total
  • 10 Star Force on Primary Weapon

Requirements to Job Advance: NPC Memory KeeperNPC Temple Keeper

  • After talking to the Memory Keeper and Temple Keeper, you'll receive a quest called "5th Job: Blessing of the Goddess". Once you've talked to all the Goddesses and completed their challenge, you can job advanced to 5th Job
  • Visit Henesys: Bowman Instructional School and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • Talk to "The Goddess of Maple World" to complete the quest
  • Visit Dark World Tree: Deserted Camp and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • After talking to the "Goddess of Tynerum", defeat all enemies in a series of maps after being teleport
  • Visit Pantheon: Grand Temple Interior and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • Talk to the "Goddess of Grandis" twice and defeat a weakened version of Magnus after being teleported
  • Each goddess will give you an Skill Arcane Stone Arcane Stone which you can charge up by fighting monsters. Once the stone has been charged, you can use it again to gain some EXP
    • You do not need to charge the stones up to Job Advance

After Advancement, obtaining an Arcane Symbol: To effectively damage monsters in the Arcane River, Arcane Power is required similar to Star Force which you gain from equipping Arcane Symbols

  • To obtain your Arcane Symbol, you must complete the quest "A Greater Power" located in your Lightbulb Quests. This quest is intentionally difficult as you have no Arcane Power
  • The initial symbol you obtain is not a real Arcane Symbol yet until you complete the Vanishing Journey storyline. In the meantime, you must complete the story with the limited Arcane Power you have
  • [Tip]: If you are struggling to defeat the monsters, there is a Hyper Stat for Arcane Power, allocate some points temporarily until you get enough Arcane Power

Content Available:



Some notable training maps are:

Level 210

Content Available:

Some notable training maps are:

Level 220

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Some notable training maps are:

Level 230

Content Available:

Some notable training maps are:

Level 240

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Some notable training maps are:

Level 250+

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