
Class Properties

Class GroupResistance (Xenon)
Job GroupThief + Pirate
Primary StatSTR, DEX, LUK
Secondary Stat-
Legion Bonus
Grants flat STR, DEX, and LUK
Primary Weapon
Whip Blade
Secondary Weapon
Core Controller
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Circuit Surge[240s](3 Energy)
Skill Manifest Projector[Disappears after 1000% Max HP damage taken]
Toggles:Skill Pinpoint Salvo Skill Aegis System
Summons & Placables:
[ Skill Hypogram Field Penetrate/Skill Hypogram Field Force Field/Skill Hypogram Field Support ][60s](30s cd)
Skill Hypogram Field Fusion[30s](90s cd)
Skill Photon Ray[Up to 20s](30s cd)
Skill Resistance Infantry[10s](25s cd)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill OOPArts Code[60s](20 Energy)
Skill Amaranth Generator[10s](90s cd)
Skill Orbital Cataclysm[25s](50s cd)
Skill Core Overload[70s](180s cd)
Skill Last Resort[30s](75s cd)
Skill Overdrive[28s](60s cd)
Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing[60s](120s cd)
Skill Loaded Dice(10s cd)(180s cd Skill Roll of the Dice)
Skill Entangling Lash[10s](180s cd)
Skill Artificial Evolution[10s](360s cd)
Skill Orbital Cataclysm(50s cd)
Skill Omega Blaster[Up to 12s](165s cd)
Skill Artificial Evolution(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):None

Special thanks to botnextdoor for their help in making this overview!

Base Stats (From Skills)

Base Stats are calculated by values that are close to always available. Base Stats inside brackets () are the sum of stats provided from all skills of the current row of the table

  • PERM
Stats that are always up or close to always up
Stats that are gained while skill is toggled on
Stats that are gained from debuffing the enemy
  • TEMP
Stats that have a condition or cooldown to activate
Stats that can be unlocked. These skills may also have a cooldown
Weapon Multiplier1.3125x
Attack Speed7
  • Stage 5
  • Skill Xenon Booster +2
Weapon Mastery90%
  • Base +20%
  • Skill Xenon Expert +70%
STR, DEX, LUK+45%(465%) +105
  • Skill Maple Warrior +15%
  • Skill Hybrid Logic +10%
  • Skill Beginner Skill
    +1% per power unit
    (Max. +20%)
  • Skill Core Overload
    +1% per extra power unit
    (Max. +20%)
  • Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing +400%
  • Skill Structural Integrity +25
  • Skill Hybrid Defenses +10
  • Skill Star Force Conversion
    +7 per 10 Star Force
    (Max. +70)
  • Skill Circuit Surge +30
  • Skill Xenon Mastery +20
  • Skill Xenon Expert +30
  • Skill Last Resort +30
  • Skill Loaded Dice +40
  • Skill Overdrive
    +80% of base weapon attack power
    -15% of base weapon power while on cooldown
Crit Rate+45%
  • Base +5%
  • Skill Perspective Shift +40%
Crit Damage+8%
  • Skill Xenon Expert +8%
  • Skill Multilateral IV +40%
  • Skill Orbital Cataclysm +10%
  • Skill Hypogram Field: Fusion +20% within field
  • Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing +20%
Boss Damage+30%
  • Skill OOPArts Code +30%
Final Damage+49.5%(133.22%)
  • Skill Multilateral IV +15%
  • Skill OOPArts Code +30%
  • Skill Core Overload
    +1% per extra power unit
    (Max. +20%)
  • Skill Last Resort
    +13% in Stage 1
    +30% in Stage 2
Ignore DEF+30%(51%)
  • Skill Offensive Matrix +30%
  • Skill Orbital Cataclysm +30%

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Pinpoint Salvo -> Skill Propulsion Burst -> Skill Radial Nerve -> Skill Circuit Surge -> Skill Beam Spline
2nd Job:Skill Pinpoint Salvo Redesign A -> Skill Structural Integrity -> Skill Xenon Mastery -> Skill Xenon Booster -> Skill Efficiency Streamline -> Skill Perspective Shift -> Skill Quicksilver Flash -> Skill Ion Thrust
3rd Job:Skill Pinpoint Salvo Redesign B -> Skill Emergency Resupply -> Skill Triangulation -> Skill Aegis System -> Skill Manifest Projector -> Skill Hybrid Defenses -> Skill Combat Switch Explosion -> Skill Diagonal Chase -> Skill Gravity Pillar
4th Job:Skill Pinpoint Salvo Perfect Design -> Skill Xenon Expert -> Skill Instant Shock -> Skill Offensive Matrix -> Skill Mecha Purge Snipe -> Skill Maple Warrior -> Skill OOPArts Code -> Skill Beam Dance -> Skill Hypogram Field Penetrate -> Skill Hero's Will
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Beam Dance - Reinforce Skill Beam Dance - BlurBeam Dance - Reinforce and Blur
  • Skill Mecha Purge - Reinforce Skill Mecha Purge - Guardbreak Mecha Purge - Reinforce and Guardbreak
  • Skill Hypogram Field - Persist Hypogram Field - Persist
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Mecha Purge: Snipe Skill Hypogram Field: Penetrate Skill Beam Dance
Secondary Trio
Skill Pintpoint Salvo Skill Triangulation Skill Aegis System
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first
  • 4 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes
Skill Beam Spline Skill Pinpoint Salvo Skill Quicksilver Flash Skill Ion Thrust Skill Combat Switch Explosion Skill Diagonal Chase Skill Gravity Pillar Skill Aegis System Skill Triangulation Skill Beam Dance Skill Mecha Purge Snipe Skill Hypogram Field Penetrate Skill Entangling Lash Skill Orbital Cataclysm
Recommended Inner Ability
  • Attack Speed +1
  • Buff Duration +38%
  • Boss Damage +10%

How to create a Xenon

To create one, choose the 'Xenon' option in the Character Creation screen. Xenons have their own separate creation button like Demons. As well, they have a different story than regular Resistance but are part of the same class group

Xenon Mechanics

Xenon is a hybrid class, they are able to equip both Thief and Pirate equipment. As well, they benefit the most from %All Stat and require a good balance of all stats to get the most range. As well, Xenon's Emblem is called a Eqp Hybrid Heart Power Source which is bought from his home base

Animated GIF

Xenon also has a secondary resource called Skill Supply Surplus Supply Surplus (Beginner Skill) which will give you increased stats as the gauge fills up. Additionally, some of Xenon's skills will consume the Supply Surplus

Animated GIF

As well, Xenon can have multiple attack variations that you can switch between using Skill Modal Shift Modal Shift (Beginner Skill)


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Hyper Passive Build: Danxier
Inner Ability + Boost Nodes Build: Maple Central
5th Job Skills Animations: KyoWantsCute