
Class Properties

Class GroupHeroes
Job GroupWarrior
Primary StatSTR
Secondary StatDEX
Legion Bonus
Chance to recover %Max HP while attacking (10s cd)
(+2/4/6/8/10% - 70% Chance)
Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Maha Blessing[200s]
Skill Adrenaline Rush Activate(Special)
Toggles:Skill Drain Skill Snow Charge
Summons & Placables:
Skill Permafrost[60s](30s cd)
Skill Finisher - Adrenaline Surge[6s](Adrenaline only, 30s cd)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill Maha's Blessing[2s](60s cd)
Skill Heroic Memories[60s](120s cd)
Skill Blizzard Tempest[30s](90s cd)
Skill Weapon Aura[140s](180s recharge, up to 2 charges)
Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing[45s](180s cd)
Skill Freud[30s per stack](240s cd, 25s cd between each stack)
Skill Impenetrable Skin[18s](120s cd)
Skill Glacial Prison[10s](180s cd)
Skill Endgame[10s](360s cd)
Skill Maha's Blessing[2s](60s cd)
Skill Finisher - Hunter[Up to 8s](Adrenaline only, 30s cd)
Skill Freud[30s](240s cd)
Skill Endgame(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):None

Special thanks to the members of the Aran Discord for their help in making this overview!

For more in-depth info, visit the Class Discord at

Base Stats (From Skills)

Base Stats are calculated by values that are close to always available. Base Stats inside brackets () are the sum of stats provided from all skills of the current row of the table

  • PERM
Stats that are always up or close to always up
Stats that are gained while skill is toggled on
Stats that are gained from debuffing the enemy
  • TEMP
Stats that have a condition or cooldown to activate
Stats that can be unlocked. These skills may also have a cooldown
Weapon Multiplier1.49x
Attack Speed8
  • Stage 5
  • Skill Agile Polearms +2
  • Skill Polearm Mastery +1
Weapon Mastery90%
  • Base +20%
  • Skill High Mastery +70%
STR+15%(415%) +50(135)
  • Skill Maple Warrior +15%
  • Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing +400%
  • Skill Agile Polearms +20
  • Skill Physical Training +30
  • Skill Freud's Wisdom +55
  • Skill Impenetrable Skin +30
Attack+5% +180(205)
  • Skill Regained Memory +5%
  • Skill Ol' Reliable +20
  • Skill Advanced Combo Ability +30
  • Skill Maha Blessing +30
  • Skill Might +40
  • Skill High Mastery +30
  • Skill Advanced Final Attack +30
  • Skill Freud's Wisdom +25
Crit Rate+55%
  • Base +5%
  • Skill Ol' Reliable +10%
  • Skill Combo Ability +20%
  • Skill Might +20%
Crit Damage+20%
  • Skill Advanced Combo Ability +10%
  • Skill High Mastery +10%
  • Skill Cleaving Attack +35%
  • Skill Snow Charge +15% & +10% to slowed
  • Skill Heroic Memories +10%
  • Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing +20%
  • Skill Impenetrable Skin +6% when hit up to +30%
Boss Damage+15%(25%)
  • Skill Might +15%
  • Skill Freud's Wisdom +25%
Final Damage+33.1%(41.09%)
  • Skill Polearm Mastery +10%
  • Skill High Mastery +21%
  • Skill Weapon Aura +6%
Ignore DEF+40%(49.6%)
  • Skill Cleaving Attack +40%
  • Skill Weapon Aura +16%

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Ol' Reliable -> Skill Agile Polearms -> Skill Smash Swing -> Skill Final Charge -> Skill Final Toss
2nd Job:Skill Physical Training -> Skill Polearm Mastery -> Skill Combo Ability -> Skill Snow Charge -> Skill Drain -> Skill Final Attack -> Skill Beyond Blade
3rd Job:Skill High Defense -> Skill Might -> Skill Beyond Blade Mastery I -> Skill Maha Blessing -> Skill Adrenaline Rush -> Skill Judgment Draw -> Skill Permafrost
4th Job:Skill Cleaving Attack -> Skill High Mastery -> Skill Sudden Strike -> Skill Adrenaline Overload -> Skill Maple Warrior -> Skill Advanced Final Attack -> Skill Beyond Blade Mastery II -> Skill Finisher - Hunter's Prey -> Skill Glacial Prison -> Skill Hero's Will
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Finisher - Reinforce Finisher - Reinforce
  • Skill Surging Adrenaline Surging Adrenaline
  • Skill Beyond-er Blade Skill Beyond Blade Barrage Skill Piercing Beyond Blade Beyond-er Blade, Beyond Blade Barrage and Piercing Beyond Blade
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Beyond Blade Skill Hyper Finisher - Last Stand Skill Finisher - Hunter's Prey
Secondary Trio
Skill Smash Swing Skill Final Attack Skill Adrenaline Rush
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first
  • 4 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes
Skill Smash Swing Skill Final Charge Skill Final Attack Skill Final Toss Skill Judgment Draw Skill Adrenaline Rush Skill Beyond Blade Skill Glacial Prison Skill Finisher - Hunter Skill Hyper Finisher - Last Stand
Recommended Inner Ability
For Bossing
  • Boss Damage +20%
  • Attack +21 OR Buff Duration +38%
  • Damage to Abnormal Status +8%
For Farming
  • Meso Obtained +20% OR Item Drop Rate +20%
  • Meso Obtained +15% OR Item Drop Rate +15% (If not 1st Line)

Combo Count System

In 2nd Job, Aran unlocks a resource called Combo count from Skill Combo Ability Combo Ability that is gained automatically and upon successful direct attack skills

In 3rd Job, upon reaching 1000 Combo, using Adrenaline Rush Activate will temporarily enter Skill Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush Mode that creates a continuously damaging zone around the character

In 4th Job, Finisher-type skills are unlocked like Skill Finisher - Hunter's Prey Finsher - Hunter's Prey that can be used during Adrenaline Rush. As well, a new mode can be activated during Adrenaline Rush by also using Adrenaline Rush Activate called Skill Adrenaline Overload Adrenal Awakening that grants access to the Hyper Finisher skill called Skill Hyper Finisher - Last Stand Last Stand

Certain skills can be activated through Key Inputs or assigned to a Key Slot. The following skills can be activated using Key Inputs:

  • Skill Combat Step Combat Step (Beginner) → + → / Jump + Jump
  • Skill Final Charge Final Charge (1st Job) ↓ + → + Attack / ↓ + ← + Attack
  • Skill Final Toss Final Toss (1st Job) ↑ + Attack
  • Skill Permafrost Permafrost (3rd Job) ↓ + Attack
  • Skill Judgment Draw Judgment Draw (3rd Job) ↑ + → + Attack / ↑ + ← + Attack
  • Skill Glacial Prison Glacial Prison (4th Job) ↑ + ↓ + Attack
  • Skill Maha's Carnage Maha's Carnage (5th Job) ↓ + ↓ + Attack

The following skills can only be activated during Adrenaline Rush / Adrenal Awakening (once per activation)

  • Skill Finisher - Hunter's Prey Finisher - Hunter's Prey (4th Job) ↓ + (→ or ←) + ↓ + Attack (Hold)
  • Skill Finisher - Adrenaline Surge Finisher - Adrenaline Surge (5th Job) ↑ + ↑ + Attack

Key Input activation can be disabled for the skills above by right-clicking the skill


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Boost Nodes Build + Inner Ability + Hyper Passive Build: Aran Discord