
Class Properties

Class GroupExplorers
Job GroupPirate
Primary StatDEX
Secondary StatSTR
Legion Bonus
Increases %Summon Duration
Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Far Sight
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Jolly Roger[180s]
Skill Maple Warrior[900s]
Summons & Placables:
Skill Scurvy Summons[120s](45s cd)
Skill Siege Bomber[60s]
Skill Broadside[60s]
Skill Pirate's Banner[30s](30s cd)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill Roll of the Dice[180s](60s cd / 30s cd if 1)
Skill Whalers Potion[20s](90s cd)
Skill Epic Adventure[60s](120s cd)
Skill Overdrive[28s](60s cd)
Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing[60s](180s cd)
Skill Loaded Dice(10s cd)
Skill The Dreadnought[10s](360s cd)
Skill Target Lock(30s cd)
Skill Nautilus Assault(180s cd)
Skill The Dreadnought(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):None

Special thanks to Huynni, Styxa, and the members of the Corsair Discord for their help in making this overview!

For more in-depth info, visit the Class Discord at

Base Stats (From Skills)

Attack: [Skill Jolly Roger +20%]
Crit Rate: [Base +5%] [Skill Shadow Heart +20%] [Skill Gun Mastery +10%] [Skill Fullmetal Jacket +30%] [Skill Ahoy Mateys +10%]
Crit Damage: [Skill Shadow Heart +5%] [Skill Parrotargetting +20%] [Skill Ahoy Mateys +25% & +5% while crewmates summoned]
Damage: [Skill Aggresive Stance +15% after proc]
Final Damage: [Skill Fullmetal Jacket +20%] [Skill Majestic Presence +8%] [Skill Parrotargetting +25% from debuff]
Knockback Resistance: [Skill Outlaw's Code +40%] [Skill Jolly Roger +60%]
Attack Speed (Weapon): Stage 7
Ignore DEF: [Skill Fullmetal Jacket +20%]
Abnormal Status Resistance: [Skill Outlaw's Code 15] [Skill Jolly Roger 30]

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Pirate Leap -> Skill Bullet Time -> Skill Dash -> Skill Shadow Heart.png -> Skill Sommersault Kick -> Skill Double Shot
2nd Job:Skill Physical Training -> Skill Infinity Blast -> Skill Wings -> Skill Gun Mastery -> Skill Agile Guns -> Skill Scurvy Summons -> Skill Rapid Blast -> Skill Swift Fire -> Skill Recoil Shot
3rd Job:Skill Outlaw -> Skill All Aboard -> Skill Siege Bomber -> Skill Fullmetal Jacket -> Skill Cross Cut Blast -> Skill Roll of the Dice -> Skill Blunderbuster -> Skill Blackboot Bill
4th Job:Skill Double Down -> Skill Ahoy Mateys -> Skill Aggressive Stance -> Skill Majestic Presence -> Skill Eight-Legs Easton -> Skill Quickdraw -> Skill Jolly Roger -> Skill Maple Warrior -> Skill Parrotargetting -> Skill Rapid Fire -> Skill Brain Scrambler -> Skill Nautilus Strike -> Skill Hero's Will
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Rapid Fire - Reinforce Skill Rapid Fire - Boss Rush Rapid Fire - Reinforce and Boss Rush
  • Skill Brain Scrambler - Reinforce Skill Brain Scrambler - Extra Strike Skill Brain Scrambler - Boss Rush Brain Scrambler - Reinforce, Extra Strike, and Boss Rush
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Rapid Fire Skill Brain Scrambler Skill Majestic Presence
Secondary Trio
Skill Siege Bomber Skill Broadside Skill Ignite
Tertiary Trio
Skill Nautilus Strike Skill Ugly Bomb Skill Eight-Legs Easton
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first and so on
  • 6 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes
Skill Rapid Blast Skill Recoil Shot Skill Scurvy Summons Skill Blunderbuster Skill Blackboot Bill Skill Siege Bomber Skill Rapid Fire Skill Nautilus Strike Skill Brain Scrambler Skill Eight-Legs Easton Skill Majestic Presence Skill Broadside Skill Parrotargetting Skill Ugly Bomb
Recommended Inner Ability
  • ***Ideal IA***
  • Boss Damage +20%
  • Chance to Skip Cooldown +10%
  • Damage to Abnormal Status +8%
  • ***Alternative IA***
  • Chance to Skip Cooldown +20% / Meso Obtained +20% (For Farming)
  • Boss Damage +10% / Attack +21
  • Damage to Abnormal Status +8%

How to create a Corsair

To create one, choose the 'Explorers' option in the Character Creation screen and then continue through the story until you reach the town MapIcon Lith Harbor Lith Harbor where Sugar has a quest called 'The Adventure Begins'. Accept the quest and choose the option 'Pirate' when prompted

Continue with the story until Lv. 30 as a Pirate and talk to Kyrin to accept a quest called 'The 2 Types of Pirate'. Complete the quest by choosing the option Gunslinger and you will be on the path to a Corsair. Gunslinger is the 2nd job of Corsair


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Boost Nodes Build + Inner Ability + Hyper Passive Build: Corsair Discord