Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

Class Properties

Class GroupExplorers
Job GroupMagician
Primary StatINT
Secondary StatLUK
Legion Bonus
Grants flat INT
Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Magic Book
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Meditation[240s]
Skill Maple Warrior (4th Job)[900s]
Toggles:Skill Magic Guard Skill Chilling Step Skill Teleport Mastery Skill Teleport Boost Skill Absolute Zero Aura Skill Mana Overload(30s cd)
Summons & Placables:
Skill Thunder Sphere[120s/60s](0s / 30s cd)
Skill Elquines[260s]
Skill Spirit of Snow[30s](120s cd)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill Elemental Adaptation (Ice, Lightning)[1 Critical Abnormal Status & 30s / 1 Additional CAS](240s cd)
Skill Infinity[40s](180s cd)
Skill Epic Adventure[60s](120s cd)
Skill Maple World Goddess's Blessing[60s](180s cd)
Skill Freezing Breath[13s](180s cd)
Skill Frozen Lightning[10s](360s cd)
Skill Freezing Breath[Up to 13s](180s cd)
Skill Frozen Lightning(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):
Skill Ethereal Form[3s](-MP | 60s cd)

Special thanks to splashos49, bel, and the members of the Explorer Mage Discord for their help in making this overview!

For more in-depth info, visit the Class Discord at

Base Stats (From Skills)

Crit Rate: [Base +5%] [Skill Spell Mastery +5%] [Skill Arcane Overdrive +30%] [Skill MP Boost +5% when wand is equipped]
Crit Damage: [Skill Arcane Overdrive +13%] [Skill Freezing Crush up to +15%]
Damage: [Skill Elemental Amplification +50%] [Skill Freezing Crush up to +60% for lightning attacks] [Skill Arcane Aim up to +40%]
Final Damage: [Skill Elemental Decrease +40%] [Skill Storm Magic +20% to damage over time, frozen, stun, darkness, paralysis]
Attack Speed (Weapon): Stage 7
Knockback Resistance: [Skill Teleport Mastery +40%] [Skill Buff Mastery +60%]
Buff Duration: [Skill Buff Mastery +50%]
Ignore DEF: [Skill Shatter up to 10%] [Skill Arcane Aim +20%]
Ignore Elemental Resistance: [Skill Elemental Decrease +10%]
Abnormal Status Resistance: [Skill Elemental Adaptation 20] [Skill Absolute Zero Aura 20]

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Mana Wave -> Skill Teleport -> Skill Magic Guard -> Skill MP Boost -> Skill Magic Armor.png -> Skill Energy Bolt.png
2nd Job:Skill Spell Mastery -> Skill High Wisdom -> Skill Agile Magic -> Skill Chilling Step -> Skill MP Eater -> Skill Meditation -> Skill Thunder Bolt -> Skill Cold Beam
3rd Job:Skill Teleport Boost -> Skill Shatter -> Skill Element Amplification -> Skill Storm Magic -> Skill Arcane Overdrive -> Skill Elemental Decrease -> Skill Teleport Mastery -> Skill Thunder Sphere -> Skill Ice Strike -> Skill Frost Ward -> Skill Elemental Adaptation (Ice, Lightning)
4th Job:Skill Buff Mastery -> Skill Chain Lightning -> Skill Elquines -> Skill Arcane Aim -> Skill Maple Warrior -> Skill Infinity -> Skill Blizzard -> Skill Frozen Orb -> Skill Freezing Breath -> Skill Hero's Will
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Teleport Mastery - Range Teleport Mastery - Range
  • Skill Chain Lightning - Reinforce Skill Chain Lightning - Spread Skill Chain Lightning - Extra Strike Chain Lightning - Reinforce, Spread and Extra Strike
  • Skill Frozen Orb - Reinforce Frozen Orb - Reinforce
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Chain Lightning Skill Thunder Sphere Skill Lightning Orb
Secondary Trio
Skill Frozen Orb Skill Blizzard Skill Elquines
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first
  • 4 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes
Skill Thunder Bolt Skill Cold Beam Skill Chilling Step Skill Ice Strike Skill Frost Ward Skill Thunder Sphere Skill Elquines Skill Chain Lightning Skill Blizzard Skill Frozen Orb Skill Lightning Orb
Recommended Inner Ability
  • Attack Speed +1
  • Buff Duration +38%
  • Boss Damage +10% / Crit Rate +20% / Damage to Abnormal Status +8%

How to create a Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

To create one, choose the 'Explorers' option in the Character Creation screen and then continue through the story until you reach the town MapIcon Lith Harbor Lith Harbor where Sugar has a quest called 'The Adventure Begins'. Accept the quest and choose the option 'Magician' when prompted

Continue with the story until Lv. 30 as a Magician and talk to Grendel the Really Old to accept a quest called 'The 3 Arcane Paths'. Complete the quest by choosing the option Wizard (Ice, Lightning) and you will be on the path to a Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning). Wizard (Ice, Lightning) is the 2nd job of Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

Freezing Crush

In 2nd Job, you unlock the passive Skill Freezing Crush Freezing Crush which causes your Ice-attributed attacks to apply a stacking debuff that increases the %Crit Damage and %Damage of your Lighting-attribute attacks. Lightning-attribute attacks will consume a stack of the debuff

In 3rd Job, you unlock the passive called Skill Shatter Shatter that causes your attacks to gain increased %Ignore DEF per Freezing Crush stack

Below is a list of your Ice-attribute skills:

  • Skill Cold Beam Cold Beam (2nd Job)
  • Skill Chilling Step Chilling Step (2nd Job)
  • Skill Ice Strike Ice Strike (3rd Job)
  • Skill Frost Ward Frost Ward (3rd Job)
  • Skill Blizzard Blizzard (4th Job)
  • Skill Frozen Orb Frozen Orb (4th Job)
  • Skill Elquines Elquines (4th Job)
  • Skill Absolute Zero Aura Absolute Zero Aura (Hyper Skill)
  • Skill Ice Age Ice Age (5th Job)
  • Skill Spirit of Snow Spirit of Snow (5th Job)

Below is a list of your Lightning-attribute skills:

  • Skill Thunder Bolt.png Thunder Bolt (2nd Job)
  • Skill Thunder Sphere Thunder Sphere - Does not consume (3rd Job)
  • Skill Chain Lightning Chain Lightning (4th Job)
  • Skill Lightning Orb Lightning Orb (Hyper Skill)
  • Skill Bolt Barrage Bolt Barrage (5th Job)
  • Skill Juptier Thunder Jupiter Thunder (5th Job)


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Boost Nodes Build + Inner Ability + Hyper Passive Build: Explorer Mage Discord
Unreliable Memory Probabilities: OrangeMushroom