Wind Archer

Class Properties

Class GroupCygnus Knights
Job GroupArcher
Primary StatDEX
Secondary StatSTR
Legion Bonus
Grants flat DEX
Primary Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Call of Cygnus[900s]
Skill Storm Bringer[200s]
Skill Sharp Eyes[300s]
Toggles:Skill Storm Elemental Skill Trifling Wind I
Summons & Placables:
Skill Emerald Flower[60s]
Skill Howling Gale[10s](20-60s cd)
Skill Vortex Sphere(30s cd)
Skill Phalanx Charge[70 Attacks](30s cd)
Skill Guided Arrow(Toggle)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill Storm Whim[30s](120s cd)
Skill Glory of the Guardians[60s](120s cd)
Skill Gale Barrier[45s](90s cd)
Skill Empress Cygnus[45s](240s cd)
Skill Vicious Shot[30s](120s cd)
Skill Mistral Spring[10s](360s cd)
Skill Mistral Spring(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):
Skill Gale Barrier[45s](Special Barrier | 90s cd)
Skill Transcendent Cygnus's Blessing[45s](-5% | 240s cd)

Base Stats (From Skills)

Attack: [Skill Elemental Expert +10%] [Skill Touch of the Wind +10%]
DEX: [Skill Touch of the Wind +15%]
Crit Rate: [Base +5%] [Skill Sylvan Aid +10%] [Skill Eagle Eye +25%] [Skill Sharp Eyes +20%]
Crit Damage: [Skill Sharp Eyes +15%] [Skill Bow Expert +20%]
Damage: [Skill Storm Elemental +10%] [Skill Eagle Eye +25%] [Skill Pinpoint Pierce +15% from debuff]
Final Damage: [Skill Bow Mastery +10%] [Skill Bow Expert +35%]
Boss Damage: [Skill Bow Expert +40%]
Attack Speed (Weapon): Stage 8
Ignore DEF: [Skill Eagle Eye +15%] [Skill Pinpoint Pierce +15% from debuff] [Skill Emerald Flower +10% from debuff]
Knockback Resistance: [Skill Featherweight +40%] [Skill Touch of the Wind +60%]
Abnormal Status Resistance: [Skill Featherweight 10] [Skill Eagle Eye 15] [Skill Cygnus Blessing up to 15]

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Storm Elemental -> Skill Wind Walk -> Skill Whispers of the Wind -> Skill Breeze Arrow
2nd Job:Skill Physical Training -> Skill Bow Mastery -> Skill Sylvan Aid -> Skill Bow Booster -> Skill Trifling Wind I -> Skill Spiraling Vortex -> Skill Gust Shot
3rd Job:Skill Emerald Flower -> Skill Second Wind -> Skill Eagle Eye -> Skill Featherweight -> Skill Trifling Wind II -> Skill Sentient Arrow -> Skill Pinpoint Pierce
4th Job:Skill Emerald Dust -> Skill Bow Expert -> Skill Eagle Eye Max -> Skill Touch of the Wind -> Skill Fairy Spiral -> Skill Call of Cygnus -> Skill Sharp Eyes -> Skill Trifling Wind III -> Skill Storm Bringer -> Skill Song of Heaven
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Trifling Wind - Reinforce Skill Trifling Wind - Enhance Skill Trifling Wind - Double Chance Trifling Wind - Reinforce, Enhance and Double Chance
  • Skill Song of Heaven - Reinforce Skill Song of Heaven - Boss Rush Song of Heaven - Reinforce and Boss Rush
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Trifling Wind I Skill Song of Heaven Skill Storm Bringer
Secondary Trio
Skill Fairy Spiral Skill Monsoon *
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first
  • The last skill from the Secondary Trio can be any skill as Wind Archer only has 5 skills to boost
  • 4 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • A 3 Boost Node combination is also possible using 2 nodes containing Skill Trifling Wind I Skill Song of Heaven Skill Storm Bringer Skill Fairy Spiral and 1 node containing Skill Monsoon (left at Master Level 30)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes
Skill Breeze Arrow Skill Gust Shot Skill Spiraling Vortex Skill Trifling Wind I Skill Sentient Arrow Skill Pinpoint Pierce Skill Fairy Spiral Skill Song of Heaven Skill Storm Bringer Skill Monsoon
Recommended Inner Ability
  • Boss Damage +20%
  • Crit Rate +20%
  • Damage to Abnormal Status +8%

How to create a Wind Archer

To create one, choose the 'Cygnus Knights' option in the Character Creation screen and then continue through the story until you reach Lv. 10 and Ereve. You will see 5 NPCs on the left after talking to Neinheart. Talk to Irena to become a Wind Archer

For more information about Wind Archer check out:


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Boost Nodes Build + Inner Ability: Maple Central