
Class Properties

Class GroupAnima
Job GroupThief
Primary StatLUK
Secondary StatDEX
Legion Bonus
Grants flat LUK
Primary Weapon
Ritual Fan
Secondary Weapon
Fan Tassel
Skill Preview

Link Skill

All Actives

Active Buffs:
Skill Talisman Clone[200s](Talisman)
Skill Ritual Fan Acceleration[200s]
Skill Scroll Butterfly Dream[100s](Scroll)
Skill Anima Warrior[900s]
Summons & Placables:
Skill Talisman Seeking Ghost Flame[40s](Talisman)
Skill Talisman Warp Gate[100s](5s cd | Talisman)
Skill Scroll: Star Vortex[40s](Scroll)
Skill Scroll Tiger of Songyu[60s](180s cd | Scroll)
Buffs with Cooldowns:
Skill Sage Tai Yu[12s](90s cd)
Skill Sage Clone Rampage[30s](180s cd)
Skill Sage Wrath of Gods[30s](180s cd)
Skill Three Paths Apparition[30s](90s cd)
Skill Last Resort[30s](75s cd)
Skill Grandis Goddess's Blessing[40s](240s cd)
Lotus Flower[1800s](400s cd | 1400s cd on revive)
Skill Sage Tai Yu Clone[11s](180s cd)
Skill Sage Apothesis[10s](360s cd)
Skill Out of Sight[2s](Dark Sight)
Skill Sage Dream of Shangri-La[Up to 20s](200 - 23.3s cd based on remaining duration)
Skill Sage Wrath of Gods(180s cd)
Lotus Flower[3.5s iFrame | 1800s Buff](400s cd | 1400s cd on revive)
Skill Sage Apothesis(360s cd)
Damage Reduction (%Max HP):None

Special thanks to Kénsa for their help in making this overview!

Base Stats (From Skills)

Attack: [Skill Fiend Seal +10%]
Crit Rate: [Base +5%] [Skill Third Eye +30%] [Skill Asura +10%] [Skill Dragon's Eye +10%]
Crit Damage: [Skill Third Eye +10%] [Skill Asura +20%] [Skill Dragon's Eye +10%]
Damage: [Skill Enlightenment +10%] [Skill Bravado up to +14% to full HP enemies]
Final Damage: [Skill Fiend Seal +10%] [Skill Scroll Butterfly Dream +10%] [Skill Advanced Ritual Fan Mastery +29%] [Skill Dragon's Eye +10%]
Boss Damage: [Skill Asura +20%]
Knockback Resistance: [Skill Diamond Body +40%] [Skill Dragon's Eye +60%]
Attack Speed (Weapon): Stage 8
Ignore DEF: [Skill Asura +10%] [Skill Dragon's Eye +10%] [Skill Bravado up to +10%] [Skill Scroll Degeneration +20% from debuff]
Abnormal Status Resistance: [Skill Balanced Breath 30]
Summon Duration: [Skill Spirit Affinity +10%]

Example Skill Build Path

1st Job:Skill Graceful Flight -> Skill Shrouding Mist -> Skill Light Steps -> Skill Humanity As-You-Will Fan -> Skill Talisman Evil-Sealing Gourd
2nd Job:Skill Fortune Fitness -> Skill Heavenly Body -> Skill Ritual Fan Mastery -> Skill Third Eye -> Skill Out of Sight -> Skill Ritual Fan Acceleration -> Skill Talisman Clone -> Skill Earth Ground-Shattering Wave
3rd Job:Skill Balanced Breath -> Skill Diamond Body -> Skill Asura -> Skill Attainment -> Skill Heaven Iron Fan Gale -> Skill Earth Stone Tremor -> Skill Talisman Seeking Ghost Flame -> Skill Scroll Degeneration
4th Job:Skill Dragon's Eye -> Skill Enlightenment -> Skill Advanced Ritual Fan Mastery -> Skill Anima Warrior -> Skill Humanity Gold-Banded Cudgel -> Skill Heaven Consuming Flames -> Skill Talisman Warp Gate -> Skill Thousand-Ton Stone -> Skill Scroll Butterfly Dream -> Skill Scroll Star Vortex -> Skill Anima Hero's Will
  • All 1st to 4th Job skills can be maxed
  • Put one SP into each skill first and then max each skill in this order
  • For any skills that have prerequisites, follow them first before following build path
Hyper Skill Passive Build
  • Skill Empowered Harmony Skill Boss Rush Harmony Empowered Harmony and Boss Rush Harmony
  • Skill Guardbreaking Clones Guardbreaking Clones
  • Skill Hasty Ghost Flame Hasty Ghost Flame
  • Skill Hasty Vortex Hasty Vortex
Recommended Skills for Boost Node Trios
Primary Trio
Skill Talisman Clone Skill Earth Ground-Shattering Wave Skill Humanity As-You-Will-Fan
Secondary Trio
Skill Heaven Iron Fan Gale Skill Scroll Star Vortex Skill Talisman Seeking Ghost Flame
Tertiary Trio
Skill Talisman Evil-Sealing Gourd Skill Scroll Degeneration Skill Scroll Butterfly Dream
  • Any combination of these skills are good but preferred from same category as you want to max primary first and so on
  • 6 Boost Nodes total are needed to reach Master Level 60 for these skills (with Matrix Points used)
    • Nodes with the same Main Skill (skill at the top) cannot be equipped at the same time
All Possible Skills Obtainable for Boost Nodes

Skill Humanity As-You-Will Fan Skill Earth Ground-Shattering Wave Skill Heaven Iron Fan Gale Skill Talisman Evil-Sealing Gourd Skill Talisman Seeking Ghost Flame Skill Scroll Degeneration Skill Scroll Butterfly Dream Skill Scroll Star Vortex Skill Talisman Clone

  • Skills below boost multiple skills
  • Skill Humanity As-You-Will Fan Humanity: As-You-Will Fan and Gold-Banded Cudgel
  • Skill Talisman Evil-Sealing Gourd Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd and Thousand-Ton Stone
  • Skill Earth Ground-Shattering Wave Earth: Ground-Shattering Wave and Stone Tremor
  • Skill Talisman Clone Talisman: Clone and Sage: Tai Yu Clone
  • Skill Heaven Iron Fan Gale Heaven: Iron Fan Gale and Consuming Flames
Recommended Inner Ability
  • +1 Passive Skills
  • Boss Damage +10%
  • Damage to Abnormal Status +8%

Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy & Dark Sight

Hoyoung Gauge

Hoyoung has two secondary resources called Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy that are used for Talisman Skills and Scroll Skills. In Hoyoung's gauge, the inner circle is the Talisman Energy and the outer ring is the Scroll Energy. Talisman Energy is charged by using Attribute Skills and Scroll Energy is charged by using Talisman Skills and Attribute Skills.

Hoyoung's Attribute Skills are split into 3 different attributes, Humanity, Earth, and Heaven. On Hoyoung's gauge, you'll notice three orbs, this is your Attribute Combo, each representing a different attribute. Using a unique attribute will increase the stage of your Attribute Combo and grant bonus Talisman Energy. Once you consume all three orbs (Stage 3), the Attribute Combo resets

Talisman Energy is unlocked at 1st Job while Scroll Energy is unlocked at 3rd Job

Dark Sight

Credits to the Night Walker Discord for the list of attacks avoidable with Dark Sight. For an actively maintained version, please check out the Night Walker Discord

In 2nd Job, using the clone version of Attribute Skills will trigger Skill Out of Sight Out of Sight to briefly grant Skill Dark Sight Dark Sight state. Below is a list of avoidable attacks that have been tested:

BossAvoidable Attack
All EnemiesTouch Damage
HillaLightning Bolt, Flame Breath
CygnusAll minions (including instructors) touch damage + attacks
Princess No(Miroku/4F - All attacks except Infinite Flame), Butterfly Throw (except Black Butterfly Seduce), Sakura Shower
MagnusImmobilizing Gas, Falling Debris, Dash
PapulatusHand Smash, Floor Rift, Timed Cursed/Seal (both cast + seal), Falling Debris
GolluxReverse/99% Bomb
Crimson QueenBurn DoT (gain stacks but no damage taken)
PierreFalling Hats, Fire Spin (Blue Form)
Von BonFalling Debris
VellumFalling Stun Rocks
Pink Bean (Statuses)All attacks except Laser, Poison Clouds, Mini Pink Beans
Pink BeanBlue ground attack, Big Bang, Mini Pink Beans
LotusFalling Debris (except platforms), Green Vaccum (prevents slow/grounding)
DamienYellow(p1)/Red(p2) Falling Fireballs, Dash(p2), Thorn Bind (Can be done reactively when he disappears w/ Monster Silhouettes enabled in settings)
WillP1 (Segment Test) Red Meteors, P2 Web, P2 Dash
Guardian Angel SlimeSlime Pool DoT, Slime minion touch damage (not their attacks, i.e. Pink Slime's seduce), Magma Slime touch + landing on head
Verus HillaCorpse DoT
GloomFalling Debris
DarknellDebris (Both Vertical + Horizontal), Small Minion touch damage (except sword swing)
Black MageP1 Knights' Dash (still applies curse), P1 Red Lightning, Falling Debris (Vertical), Diagonal/Rolling Debris (only while midair), P3 Down FMA
SerenDash, Falling Debris (P1, P2 Sunset); still adds sun gauge
Kalos P1Bombs

For more information about Hoyoung check out:


Skill Icons + Animations: Ikasuu
Hyper Passive Build: iSlingGunz
Boost Nodes Build + Inner Ability: Maple Central